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The Pan-African Plant-Based Alliance (PPBA) is a new non-profit organisation on a mission to inspire people of African descent to explore plant-based food, embracing deeper connections to health, culture, justice and nature.
Based in London, the Alliance was created in 2024 by Stephane, born and raised in Cameroon.
Founder of the Pan-African Plant-Based Alliance
A world where people of African heritage thrive on delicious, healthy, sustainable and affordable food while embracing their culture.
Inspire people of African descent to explore plant-based food, embracing deeper connections to our health, culture, justice and nature.
For the wellbeing and prosperity of people of African heritage
For the motherland and our planet
For social justice and ethics
For food self-sufficiency
Our logo takes its roots in Africa, more precisely in Ancient Egypt also known as Kemet, where plant-based agriculture and modern civilisation was born.

The first element at the core of the design is the Ankh from Kemet, which symbolizes the key of life, based on the feminine and masculine principles of nature, spirituality and peace.

The cercle around the Ankh represents Mother Earth, thus the importance of protecting and preserving life on Earth, which is the essence of the MAAT principles: a fundamental concept from Kemet that continue to hold significance in Afro descendants today, as a cultural heritage, and a reminder of the importance of morality, justice, and maintaining balance and harmony in nature, since we are interconnected. MAAT, which is also the basis of the African philosophy called Ubuntu, also embodies the importance of truth and justice, in creating a more just and equitable world.

Last but not least, the triangles at the edge represent the great pyramids of Kemet, which symbolizes the importance of knowledge and education to achieve greatness.
Together these 3 elements embodies the African wisdom & moral philosophy, and represent the importance of education to preserve and protect life, which is at the core of our mission.


Born within the African diaspora, Pan-Africanism is a philosophy and a global movement dedicated to fostering self-love, love, solidarity, cooperation, integrity, dignity, self-determination, and unity among all people of African heritage. Its vision is to achieve a collective sovereignty and prosperity, allowing everyone to thrive in harmony with the rest of humanity.
This philosophy extends to both those who live on the African continent and those in the African diaspora around the world, transcending boundaries of nationality, ethnicity or religion.
A traditional African philosophy that emphasizes the interconnection of all living beings, and the importance of community and compassion. It is often translated as "I am because you are." The concept of Ubuntu suggests that all beings, human or non-human, have inherent value and deserve respect.
MAAT is an African philosophy that originated in Kemet (Ancient Egypt), guiding personal and social behavior by emphasizing integrity and honorable moral conduct. In Ancient Egypt, Maat personifies justice, truth, harmony, and the balance of nature.
Veganism is defined as a lifestyle that seeks to exclude, as far as possible and practicable, all forms of exploitation of and cruelty to, non-human animals for food, fashion, research, entertainment, and any other purpose.
While the word vegan was coined in the UK back in 1944, avoiding unnecessary harm to non-human animals is not a Western trend. It is rooted in ancient moral philosophies across the world since the beginning of civilization. In Kemet, for instance, the 42 Laws of Maat included the directive "thou shalt not kill." This moral principle, written thousands of years ago and shared across many religions, suggest that life should not be taken needlessly — a concept that defines veganism.
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